Types of Events

Fasting and Prayer Events
Gathering city-wide leaders, families and intercessors to fast and pray for revival and Kingdom transformation in America. Fasting prayer events are usually hosted every 1st Saturday of the month at 10 am. All Night Prayer meets on the last Friday of the month starting at 10 pm.

iPray On Campus Events
Raising up prayer for schools and provide student prayer training & resources. We provide resources and training to encourage middle school, high school and university students to begin praying at their schools in Jesus’ name! Pastoral, youth and prayer leaders network with a Kingdom vision, and develop a portal of fervent and effectual prayer over schools and campuses in the Houston region.

Community Events
Gideon’s Army Ministry puts on several community ministry events each year. One of the favorites has been our Christmas Fiesta. The past few years we have been able to partner with local ministries and share the gospel of Jesus to families and children in our area through this fun Christmas event.
Event Teams

Gideon's Army Prayer Team
Raise up intercessors to contend in prevailing prayer for our communities, cities and nation.
Event Locations

Train believers in fulfilling their God given purpose and walk in holiness unto the Lord, through discipleship and teaching.