hightlight videos
Eddie James & Healing Service
In 2025 Gideon’s Army Ministries started a monthly Healing Service to benefit the community and show that God is still in the miracle business!
Eddie James & iPray on Campus
The first Saturday of the month iPray on Campus puts on a ministry event to reach the community through prayer, worship and fellowship!
Christmas Fiesta 2023
Amazing night of Christmas Carols and Puppets, Hip-hop, and gifts. We were not quite prepared for the crowds, but it was a huge success with a great partnership of over 10 churches coming together to meet the community’s needs. Many seeds were sown that day.
Fort Bend Prays Pastor's Dinner 2023
On August 31st, 2023 several pastors and leaders from around the Fort Bend Area gathered together for one purpose, with one voice, all for one King and Kingdom,
National Day of Prayer 2023
Over 300 people gathered together in 5 different cities across Fort Bend County to participate and pray on National Day of Prayer.
Stand Courageous Prayer Rally 2023
Men and women of God came together to pray for the Stand Courageous Men’s Conference.
Grace Center
Sun at 10:30 am | Tue at 6:30 pm
7308 Cortez Rd, Richmond, TX 77469